Saturday, July 10, 2010

Yumiero Patissiere - Episode 40

Ichigo forgets her passport and misses the flight to Paris! Oh wait, that was a dream. She's really there. And she's living with the boys. Alooone. O_O When they take a little tour around Paris all Ichigo wants to do is eat, of course.

She gets lost in Paris and is saved by an Italian boy. Since she got lost, there was no sight-seeing. The princes are not very pleased with Ichigo, but they are even less pleased with the Italian kid. His familiarity with Ichigo and his farewell kiss on the cheek really irritate them. He and Satsuki proceed to have a bishie sparkle battle.

They have to go to a pre-competition party, where they find out that the Italian boy is on a rival team. At the party we find out that everyone has a Sweets Spirit. The Spirits have to compete for their places in the tournament. There's really no point in this competition since it ends up being a lottery anyway.

The tournament draw is such that Team Ichigo will go up against Lemon-chan's team. (She competed against Lemon-chan a while back.) Italian dude is on Lemon's team. Once again, he's all over Ichigo, angering the princes. The Heiress shows up, apparently joining a team from another campus using her father's influence. Geez.

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