Sunday, July 25, 2010

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge - Live Action

The live-action adaptation of the manga which is also known as Perfect Girl Evolution or Wallflower. (There are too many damn names for this thing.) There are a few big deviations from the original story. There's a new character, for example. He's the son of the landlady and, therefore, Sunako's cousin. He's a cute little guy who is a really great for breaking ideas out of the thought bubbles. Great plot accelerant, too. I'm definitely okay with this modification.

The second most obvious difference is that everyone is in college, not high school. Now, I can see some of the reasons why they would want to make the characters older. Ranmaru, for one, is dating older and married women. In the manga, he's 15. I don't see that one going over really well in prime time. The disadvantage of this change is that you lose all of the high school scenes. I really prefer the way Sunako cuts her bangs off in the manga to the live-action adaptation.

The lack of nosebleeds is also quite a difference. It wouldn't work in a live-action series, so they replaced it with a headbutt. It's okay, but the effect is quite lessened. Ah well.

Overall, I'm glad I watched it. There were 10 hour-long episodes, so it was actually quite short. I really have to go watch the rest of the anime now, dangit.

1 comment:

  1. i really love this animation...well drawn...the concept is well emphasize too
