Sunday, August 15, 2010

Yumiero Patissiere - Episode 44

Team Ichigo and Team Koshiro are invited to a ball on Mont Saint-Michel. When they arrive, they are surprised by Henri-sensei who tells them that they will have their semi-final match there! They have to make a chocolate dress. O_o  There's a whole bunch of fantasizing about Cinderella and what-not. Blah, blah, blah. So the Heiress makes a big weird led-lit gown. Ichigo and the Princes make a normal-looking pink gown. When it's time for the results, they both get 90 votes. So there will be another match. The only possibly remotely interesting thing in this episode is that Henri-sensei takes Ichigo outside during the ball to dance with her, saying that he was afraid the dress would have been ruined. The Princes look on, somewhat jealous. Well, Koshiro doesn't really look. He just sulks. I can understand a middle-schooler's crush on a teacher, but it looked like he was leading her on in this episode. Kinda creepy. In the end, it was a pretty pointless episode.

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