Monday, November 15, 2010

Occult Academy - Episodes 7 to 13 (End)

Alright .. time to wrap this one up!

Episode 7

Maya runs into Ami's father. He wants to see her smile again, so he sets up a fake mystery circle and UFO for them to chase after. After it's discovered that he was fooling Maya and her friends, everybody fights.

Episode 8

Ami gets captured by a chupacabra. Everybody arms up to go rescue her. With JK finding the way with his dousing rods, they quickly find the chupacabras' lair. Butt kicking ensues and Ami is saved. Everyone makes up. Yay!

Episode 9

In a summoning class, the teacher summons and materializes the spirit of a little girl, Akari. She's awfully cute and just wants to go home. After some sleuthing, the gang finds her house. She sits next to the door and all hell breaks loose. Turns out she's a poltergeist. She froze to death sitting next to her door on Christmas Eve. After some searching, they find her father, who says that it's his fault that Akari died.

Episode 10

They stake out Akari's father's apartment. He finally lets them in and tells them that Akari died waiting for Santa outside. He didn't believe she would do it and left her at home alone. When they found her, it was too late. So they have a Christmas party for her. Everyone has a great time and then the cue is given for Bunmei to come in dressed as Santa. Instead of Bunmei, Akari's father comes in. He apologizes for not coming that night and gives her a present. Akari starts glowing and says thank you to Santa and then to papa. Later, Maya and Bunmei are in her half-destroyed home. She recounts the story she recently remembered. When she was small, her father asked her what she wanted for Christmas, and she said that she wanted a school where all of the ESPers and aliens and ghosts could go and she could study with all of them. So her father basically built the occult academy for her. She cries for a bit, then Bunmei holds her hand. She calms down and then vows to find and destroy Nostradamus' key and the people who killed her father.

Episode 11

When Bunmei gets home from work, Mikaze is there, cooking him dinner. She ends up coming on to him very strong. And somehow takes him to a local gathering of people from the neighborhood in black hooded robes. They area all convinced that Maya is the cause of all the recent problems and that she will open the gates to hell. They want to kill her, but can't since she has some sort of protective talisman. Mikaze gets Bunmei to say that he'll find it.

The next day, Bunmei and Maya go to another town to check out an artifact. Maya notices that Bunmei is feeling off and keeps getting food for him. Eventually he breaks down and starts accusing her of being Nostradamus' key. She kicks him about two dozen times and runs off. When Maya arrives at the school, we see the Vice Principal move toward her menacingly. The next day, she's found dead at the school.

Everyone mourns. Bunmei is bawling in his apartment, when the Vice Principal shows up. He asks if she killed Maya and she nods. Then Maya shows up. The VP is actually a white mage who was asked by Maya's father to protect her. The body that was found was a fake. For proof that it's really Maya, Bunmei demands to see the book she always carries. When Maya hands it over to Bunmei, Mikaze appears, freezes Bunmei, and thanks him for taking Maya's protective talisman. Mikaze reveals herself (pun intented) to be a black mage. The VP stuns her and they run. During the fight, Mikaze tells them that she killed Maya's father.

Episode 12

Maya runs. The VP fights Mikaze and loses, but is able to free Bunmei from Mikaze's spell with her last ounce of strength. Maya leads Mikaze to the school, where Bunmei meets up with her and helps her destroy Mikaze. Bunmei reveals that Maya's father is still alive. His death was faked just like Maya's.

Episode 13

Even though Mikaze has been killed, the future hasn't changed. Maya has invited the kid version of Bunmei to come perform his spoon-bending at the closing ceremonies. Bunmei is Nostradamus' key. When he meets himself, the gates of hell open. He finally decides to take action on his own, regains his powers, and destroys the aliens along with himself. Before he's completely gone, he asks Maya to take care of the boy version of himself. The future changes back to normal and the child Bunmei is now living with Maya and her father.

The End!

Over all, a very entertaining anime. They packed a lot into 13 episodes. I think it would have been better if it was 26 episodes instead, with a bit more build-up, but I liked it just fine.

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